名称: 坤平古曼
高僧: 龍普念 LP NIEN
寺廟: Wat BanKasesThong Setthi
佛曆: B.E.2558
功效: 招正偏財, 助生意運, 人緣異性緣, 桃花运, 助事業, 說服力, 職場順利, 增加權勢, 保護平安, 避凶避險, 化險為夷, 擋煞除障, 擋小人, 擋是非。
這精湛的人緣魅力坤平是由香灰, 廟土, 經粉, 藥草, 混合製作而成, 龍普念在佛歷B.E.2558製作加持開光, 并放入植物人緣油, 讓人緣招財等等功效更佳, 背面印有大量的經文, 非常值得收藏!
坤平佛牌也常常具有辟邪、挡险、助人缘等诸多功效。坤平佛牌能保人平安、挡危险、辟邪,另外佩戴坤平佛牌,对赌运也有一定的帮助。可招财、招人缘、旺桃花、助事业,是追求成功的男士必备的圣物! 助生意、守财、人缘魅力、异性缘、助爱情、成愿、转运、助生意顺利、挡险避灾、起运防小人。
Khun Paen Prai Kasip Made and strongly blessed by LP Nien (Wat Ban Kaset) to raise fund for temple upgrades. Only limited pc were made. This is one of LP Nien's fastest selling amulet during his Wai Kru ceremony. Made using sacred herb powder and Pong Prai Kuman, the mould features Phra Khun Paen sitting on a skull (prai kasip) with two Lukoks ready to serve him. This particular form depicts Khun Paen in his original "Necromancer" form. Unlike the normal Buddha form, this form of Khun Paen is known to be much more powerful. This batch of Khun Paen was blessed during full moon during various ceremonies.
This amulet is excellent for strong opposite sex seduction, charm and metta - as Khun Paen is known to have many wives. It can also provide sixth sense, improve gambling/lottery luck and help with business/sales which will greatly increase the wearer's wealth. This amulet is soaked in LP Nen's personal Metta Maha Saneh oil to further amplify its charming effect.
- Increase opposite sex attraction, charm and sex appeal
- Increase wealth and luck
- Helps with gambling (4D,TOTO,Casino etc)
- Improve interpersonal/love relationships
- Provide strong sixth sense (Prai Kasip also known as the Ear Whisperer)
- Granting wishes and desires
- Helps and improve business or sales
- Boost confidence and self esteem Many more…
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