圣水Sattasap (Setthi 7 tanan)很多善信供请,使用后会得7种财运 来自不同的来源
- 来自做生意的财✅
- 来自赌博 偏财✅
-来自斗争 赢比赛✅
-来自拖欠你的债仔 向你还债✅
-财来自贵人帮助 ,照顾 ,供养✅
- 财来自保护善信本身守护神 ✅
- 财来自守护8方的天神✅
这圣水Sattasap 经过多次开光程序 也等到Setthi之吉时( 适合招财) / Sanaeจันทร์ซ้อนจันทร์ +正法佛祖之恩符 除此之外还有特别的材料,就是~具有神圣功效的胜水 这水是用来沐浴过佛祖的 根据用来沐浴仪式的水是3 ,6, 8月份的雨水因为3, 6, 8月份是大佛日的月份(万佛节มาฆบูชา /佛诞节วิสาขบูชา/อาสาฬหบูชา佛教三宝节) 还有来自全泰国各不同神圣地方的水源。
另外还有多种芳香之花( 魅力诱惑味道) 例如Rachavadee ,Pikul ,茉莉花, 玫瑰花,Lamjiak 香叶,晚香玉,Champa 莲花等等还有其他重要而且好难找得到的材料通常用作在神圣的法事namman Jan 油,七间狸, Kamyan,Ampan, 番红花, 香桂, vanilla, 5月份采摘蜜糖等等…
用长达12-15 个月时间 將 圣水放在神秘的地方 每一个佛日(15) 阿赞会进行念经开光
- 混合洁净清水 摆放在写字台 在公司 或者睡房 增加好运气 清除不好事情
- 混合洁净清水 洒上铺头 货品 帮助 招客户 货品畅销
- 混合水 用来在佛日(15)洗澡 (沖花涼) 除去衰运
- 用来喷洒圣物上 为加强圣物 的力量 更好的功效
Holy water(Setthi 7ta-nan)
Believer who is worship or use this Holy water will get 7 types of fortune
- Fortune from business,
- Lucky from gamble
- Lucky from competition
- Lucky from your debtor in the past.
-Luck from someone who is sponsoror treating you.
- Luck from God who is protection of you.
-Luck from Gods who are protect of 8 of directions
holy water Sattasap that has been blessed for a several time.The Master has choosen the auspicious time / on the overlapping moon and wrote holy Buddha's yant (without black magic) Moreover a special material that is
#water from a SONGNAM ceremony that get from rain in month of 3 / 6/ 8 (Makha Bucha Day/Visakha Bucha/Asanha Bucha Day)and that weter used to cleaning a holy Buddha in a Song-nam ceremony. A holy water take from auspicious holy place all around Thailand.
#made from various types of charming flowers ex. Rachavadee, Pikul Jusmin,Rose ,Canang odorata,Lam jaik,Jan kra-por,Jampa,pandan,Polianthes,jam pa,Lotus and with various rare material which use in precious rituals such as sandalwood oil,Viverricula Indica,Kamyan,Ampan ,Crocus,cinnamon, Vanilla,Acacia concinna,Honey
#Traditional ferment
It take 12-15 months long time and keep in special place. It was blessed by Master on every 15th lunar fullmoon(Buddha day)
How to use.
- mix with water and keep holy water in your house , bedroom,office for good luck and removed bad thing out.
- mix with water to spray on your shop or office for good luck, to calling money or spray on items or products to make the customer buy easily.
- mix with water to shower on a fullmoon day. After washing your body good thing will come to your life and getting better. Clear the thing that make your life getting down.
-spray on your amulets for boost up their power.
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🌼Wechat ID:FuAnGe9909 /annlim9909
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